Update a task

PUT /api/v1/task/{uuid}

Path parameters




  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • uuid string

      The UUID of the resource.

    • The timestamp of when the resource was created.

    • The timestamp of when the resource was updated.

    • name string

      The name of the task

    • The description of the task

    • priority string

      The priority of the task. Available Options: low, medium, high and highest

    • position integer

      The position of the task

    • due_at string

      The due date of the task

    • status object

      The status of the task. Can be any of the task statuses defined in the firm's settings

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • The type of the taskable. Available options: client, case, plan

    • taskable object

      The type of the taskable.

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • author object

      The account that created the task

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • The accounts that the task is assigned to

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • The date the task was completed

    • The account that completed the task

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • custom_fields array[object]

      Any custom fields on the model.

      Additional properties are allowed.

PUT /api/v1/task/{uuid}
curl \
 -X PUT https://api.plannrcrm.com/api/v1/task/uuid \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "Accept: application/json" \
 -d '{"name":"Check details","description":"Check details","priority":"low","due_at":"2020-01-01 00:00:00","taskable_type":"plan","taskable_uuid":"2c1ea9bb-a0e5-44c3-8f2f-623ed60da0fc","task_status_uuid":"4cb49470-8159-417e-ab41-d45de793545f","parent_task_uuid":"09703577-dad2-4cb3-9893-b7e8e3011228","assigned_to_uuids":["b89830c9-a4a7-4c44-be93-d7b7ca25ad3a","0ed70dd9-7467-424c-9ff2-4b7002193b9d"],"custom_fields":[{"favourite_pet":"Dog"}],"group_uuids":["da35fe62-2092-42fd-abd8-c105229e51d1","4d348187-7803-4a09-9dde-166252272576"]}'
Request examples
# Headers
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

# Payload
  "name": "Check details",
  "description": "Check details",
  "priority": "low",
  "due_at": "2020-01-01 00:00:00",
  "taskable_type": "plan",
  "taskable_uuid": "2c1ea9bb-a0e5-44c3-8f2f-623ed60da0fc",
  "task_status_uuid": "4cb49470-8159-417e-ab41-d45de793545f",
  "parent_task_uuid": "09703577-dad2-4cb3-9893-b7e8e3011228",
  "assigned_to_uuids": [
  "custom_fields": [
      "favourite_pet": "Dog"
  "group_uuids": [
Response examples (200)
  "name": "Document the transaction",
  "uuid": "2c172207-5bf2-461a-96ee-72d1128f1e69",
  "author": {
    "name": {
      "example": "Gareth Thompson",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Name"
    "role": {
      "example": "client",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Account role"
    "type": {
      "example": "client",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Account type"
    "uuid": {
      "example": "ec95bc78-1d23-4245-995b-456c99c1782c",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The UUID of the resource."
    "email": {
      "example": "gareth@codepotato.co.uk",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Email"
    "last_name": {
      "example": "Thompson",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Last name"
    "photo_url": {
      "example": "https://eu.ui-avatars.com/api/?name=Gareth+Thompson",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The photo URL of the client"
    "created_at": {
      "example": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The timestamp of when the resource was created."
    "first_name": {
      "example": "Gareth",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "First name"
    "updated_at": {
      "example": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The timestamp of when the resource was updated."
    "external_references": {
      "example": "App\\Http\\Resources\\ExternalReferenceResource",
      "collection": true,
      "description": "The external references that have been added to the client."
  "due_at": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
  "status": {
    "name": "Incomplete",
    "uuid": "0d37f005-b47e-426f-9b3d-192167084c72",
    "colour": "#398898",
    "position": 1,
    "created_at": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
    "is_archived": false,
    "is_not_started": false,
    "is_type_completed": false
  "position": 1,
  "priority": "high",
  "taskable": {
    "name": "finance",
    "slug": "finance",
    "type": "App\\Http\\Resources\\CasesTypeResource",
    "uuid": "e796d29c-198d-4f77-9db6-a9a587f70fc7",
    "plans": "App\\Http\\Resources\\Plans\\PlanResource",
    "value": {
      "amount": {
        "example": "4000",
        "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
      "currency": {
        "example": "GBP",
        "description": "Currency of the money"
      "formatted": {
        "example": "£40.00",
        "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
    "status": "App\\Http\\Resources\\CasesStatusResource",
    "created_at": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
    "completed_at": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
    "participants": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "custom_fields": "App\\Http\\Resources\\CustomFieldValueResource",
    "status_position": 4,
    "task_board_uuid": "00753d96-4d49-41c8-8584-d612392241f0",
    "participants_count": 4
  "created_at": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
  "updated_at": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
  "assigned_to": {
    "name": {
      "example": "Gareth Thompson",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Name"
    "role": {
      "example": "client",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Account role"
    "type": {
      "example": "client",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Account type"
    "uuid": {
      "example": "a65297d4-4520-4bbd-b7b6-8788cfdee8b2",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The UUID of the resource."
    "email": {
      "example": "gareth@codepotato.co.uk",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Email"
    "last_name": {
      "example": "Thompson",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Last name"
    "photo_url": {
      "example": "https://eu.ui-avatars.com/api/?name=Gareth+Thompson",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The photo URL of the client"
    "created_at": {
      "example": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The timestamp of when the resource was created."
    "first_name": {
      "example": "Gareth",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "First name"
    "updated_at": {
      "example": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The timestamp of when the resource was updated."
    "external_references": {
      "example": "App\\Http\\Resources\\ExternalReferenceResource",
      "collection": true,
      "description": "The external references that have been added to the client."
  "description": "Document the transaction",
  "completed_at": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
  "completed_by": {
    "name": {
      "example": "Gareth Thompson",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Name"
    "role": {
      "example": "client",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Account role"
    "type": {
      "example": "client",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Account type"
    "uuid": {
      "example": "e9f2a510-7a57-4995-8ced-3ee5db0879af",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The UUID of the resource."
    "email": {
      "example": "gareth@codepotato.co.uk",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Email"
    "last_name": {
      "example": "Thompson",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "Last name"
    "photo_url": {
      "example": "https://eu.ui-avatars.com/api/?name=Gareth+Thompson",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The photo URL of the client"
    "created_at": {
      "example": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The timestamp of when the resource was created."
    "first_name": {
      "example": "Gareth",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "First name"
    "updated_at": {
      "example": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
      "collection": false,
      "description": "The timestamp of when the resource was updated."
    "external_references": {
      "example": "App\\Http\\Resources\\ExternalReferenceResource",
      "collection": true,
      "description": "The external references that have been added to the client."
  "custom_fields": [
      "name": "Favourite Drink",
      "type": "string",
      "uuid": "0e29b241-03ef-4ffc-a2ee-100352b357ab",
      "value": "Coffee",
      "help_text": "This is the client's favourite drink.",
      "reference": "favourite_drink",
      "created_at": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2025-01-24T22:40:38+00:00",
      "is_required": false,
      "selection_options": [
  "taskable_type": "case"