Assets Under Management
Get a breakdown of the Assets Under Management for a firm.
Content-Type string
Accept string
Query parameters
filter[agency_in_your_name] boolean
Filter the AUM to only include plans that are in the firm's name. False = all, true = only plans with agency in your name
curl \
--request GET \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN or PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--data '{"date":"2023-01-01"}'
Request examples
# Headers
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
# Payload
"date": "2023-01-01"
Response examples (200)
"data": [
"data": {
"total": {
"amount": {
"example": "1234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£12,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"plan_types": {
"annuity": {
"amount": {
"example": "1234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£12,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"pension": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"mortgage": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"investment": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"fixed_asset": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"loan_credit": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"cash_account": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"group_protection": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"general_insurance": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"protection_policy": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"abstract_types": {
"assets": {
"amount": {
"example": "1234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£12,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"protection": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"liabilities": {
"amount": {
"example": "234567",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£2,345.67",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"date": "2023-06-30",
"metric": "aum",
"requested_at": "2023-07-01 12:30:45"