Directly upload a file.

POST /api/v1/file/direct-upload

Must be of Content-Type multipart/form-data



Body Required

  • name string Required

    The name of the file.

  • file multipart-file Required

    The file being uploaded.

  • folder_uuid string Required

    The UUID of the folder to upload the file to.

  • The original created at date of the file.


  • 201 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • uuid string

      UUID of the file

    • The timestamp of when the resource was created.

    • Timestamp of when the file was originally created.

    • The timestamp of when the resource was updated.

    • Timestamp of when the file was uploaded.

    • The last modified timestamp of the file metadata

    • status string

      Current status of the uploading progress

    • filename string

      The filename including extension

    • name string

      The name of the file without extension

    • The extension of the file

    • type string

      The MIME type of the file

    • size string

      The size of the file in bytes

    • parent string

      the parent object such as folder or message

    • firm object

      The firm which the file belongs to

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • account object

      The account that uploaded the file (if specified)

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • progress string

      The progress of the uploaded file as a percentage between 0 and 100

    • The download URL of the file

    • The name of the folder the file is located in.

    • tags array[object]

      The tags added to the file (if provided)

      Additional properties are allowed.

POST /api/v1/file/direct-upload
curl \
 -X POST \
 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
 -H "Accept: application/json" \
 -F "name=Plannr Welcome Pack" \
 -F "file=my-file.pdf" \
 -F "folder_uuid=321e5a37-38fe-4a47-b7e5-52c906236b01" \
 -F "original_created_at=2025-01-17 11:18:30"
Response examples (201)
  "firm": {
    "tax": 17.5,
    "logo": "",
    "name": "Codepotato",
    "slug": "codepotato",
    "uuid": "bcf2c5d1-8c1b-401b-84f9-ca1912ac0f64",
    "county": "Hampshire",
    "billing": {
      "invoice_email": "",
      "invoice_county": "Hampshire",
      "invoice_country": "United Kingdom",
      "invoice_postcode": "PO7 7YH",
      "invoice_address_1": "Suite E, 5 The Briars",
      "invoice_address_2": "Waterberry Drive",
      "invoice_town_city": "Waterlooville"
    "country": "United Kingdom",
    "postcode": "PO7 7YH",
    "address_1": "Suite E, 5 The Briars",
    "address_2": "Waterberry Drive",
    "logo_icon": "",
    "month_end": 25,
    "town_city": "Waterlooville",
    "created_at": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
    "ip_whitelist": [
    "brand_colours": {
      "sidebar_text": "#ffffff",
      "sidebar_hover": "#0A0A42",
      "email_sub_text": "#ffffff",
      "sidebar_accent": "#36367E",
      "sidebar_active": "#53DBB8",
      "email_background": "#0E0E56",
      "email_button_text": "#ffffff",
      "sidebar_background": "#0E0E56",
      "sidebar_title_primary": "#FFC634",
      "email_button_background": "#36367E",
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      "sidebar_title_background": "#36367E",
      "email_logo_background_panel": "#36367E",
      "sidebar_title_secondary_hover": "#ffffff"
    "is_subscribed": true,
    "regulatory_text": "Regulatory text",
    "addon_subscriptions": "App\\Http\\Resources\\Addons\\AddonSubscriptionResource",
    "statement_frequency": "monthly",
    "task_board_template": "App\\Http\\Resources\\Board\\BoardResource",
    "keep_deleted_files_for": 30,
    "welcome_paragraph_html": "<h1>Welcome.</h1>",
    "email_welcome_paragraph_html": "Welcome to Plannr!"
  "name": "Welcome to Plannr",
  "size": "21691783",
  "tags": [
      "name": "Mortgage",
      "slug": "mortgage",
      "uuid": "7fbc8506-c6ba-43b7-a56b-750bfc177309",
      "colour": "#ef4582",
      "created_at": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00"
  "type": "type",
  "uuid": "3c22a7b9-6c62-4628-bc12-c4a7cdc520f5",
  "parent": "Object",
  "status": "uploaded",
  "account": {
    "firm": "App\\Http\\Resources\\FirmResource",
    "name": "Gareth Thompson",
    "role": "client",
    "tags": "App\\Http\\Resources\\TagResource",
    "type": "client",
    "uuid": "3157f341-3de6-4204-8b4b-e364a6c142bd",
    "email": "",
    "groups": "App\\Http\\Resources\\GroupResource",
    "owners": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "last_name": "Thompson",
    "created_at": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
    "first_name": "Gareth",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
    "with_login": true,
    "custom_fields": "App\\Http\\Resources\\CustomFieldValueResource",
    "introduced_by": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "primary_email": "App\\Http\\Resources\\ContactDetailResource",
    "can_be_deleted": "false",
    "assigned_adviser": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "next_review_date": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
    "has_joint_account": true,
    "current_time_entry": "App\\Http\\Resources\\TimeEntryResource",
    "first_contact_date": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
    "external_references": "App\\Http\\Resources\\ExternalReferenceResource",
    "assigned_paraplanner": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "previous_review_date": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
    "primary_phone_number": "App\\Http\\Resources\\ContactDetailResource",
    "assigned_administrator": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "anniversary_review_date": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00"
  "filename": "Welcome to Plannr.pdf",
  "progress": "100",
  "extension": "pdf",
  "created_at": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
  "updated_at": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
  "folder_name": "folder 2",
  "uploaded_at": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
  "download_url": "https://plannr.valet/file/5ba2f083-0a4a-4e00-85c5-fbf19682b5d2/download",
  "last_modified": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00",
  "original_created_at": "2025-01-17T11:18:30+00:00"