Content-Type string
Accept string
Body Required
Introducer split name
Minimum percentage of overall charge introducer can be entitled to
Maximum percentage of overall charge introducer can be entitled to
Default percentage of overall charge introducer can be entitled to. Must be between minimum and maximum
Percentage of the introducer's cut of the expected amount to be paid by the firm
Percentage of the introducer's cut of the expected amount to be paid by the selling adviser
Whether the value for FCI contributions can be changed. Will only apply to advisers
Default value to whether the introducer will be recognised for FCI contributions. Will only apply to advisers
Whether the value for initial charges can be changed
Default value to whether this charge split schema will be applied to initial charges
Whether the value for ongoing charges can be changed
Default value to whether this charge split schema will be applied to ongoing charges
Whether this charge split schema can be applied for adviser accounts
Whether this charge split schema can be applied for client accounts
Whether this charge split schema can be applied for introducer accounts
Whether this charge split schema is visible to advisers to use
curl \
--request POST https://api.plannrcrm.com/api/v1/charge-split-schema \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN or PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--data '{"name":"Basic Introducer Rate","min_percentage":10.0,"max_percentage":20.0,"default_percentage":15.0,"percentage_paid_by_firm":25.0,"percentage_paid_by_adviser":75.0,"can_change_transfer_fci":true,"default_transfer_fci":true,"can_change_initial":true,"default_initial":true,"can_change_ongoing":true,"default_ongoing":true,"valid_for_advisers":true,"valid_for_clients":true,"valid_for_introducers":true,"visible_to_advisers":true}'
# Headers
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
# Payload
"name": "Basic Introducer Rate",
"min_percentage": 10.0,
"max_percentage": 20.0,
"default_percentage": 15.0,
"percentage_paid_by_firm": 25.0,
"percentage_paid_by_adviser": 75.0,
"can_change_transfer_fci": true,
"default_transfer_fci": true,
"can_change_initial": true,
"default_initial": true,
"can_change_ongoing": true,
"default_ongoing": true,
"valid_for_advisers": true,
"valid_for_clients": true,
"valid_for_introducers": true,
"visible_to_advisers": true
"name": "Basic Introducer Rate",
"uuid": "463136ef-c6d0-4e6d-b904-2b0dcd2a2cc3",
"created_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:05+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:05+00:00",
"max_percentage": 20,
"min_percentage": 10,
"default_initial": true,
"default_ongoing": true,
"valid_for_clients": true,
"can_change_initial": true,
"can_change_ongoing": true,
"default_percentage": 15,
"valid_for_advisers": true,
"visible_to_advisers": true,
"default_transfer_fci": true,
"valid_for_introducers": true,
"can_change_transfer_fci": true,
"percentage_paid_by_firm": 25,
"percentage_paid_by_adviser": 75