Update a contribution [DEPRECATED: Use transaction routes]

PUT /api/v1/plans/{plan_uuid}/sub-accounts/{subAccount_uuid}/contributions/{uuid}

Path parameters


Body Required

  • type string Required

    The type of contribution. Available options: recurring and adhoc

  • The type of contributor. Available options: self, employer, family, government, salary_sacrifice and other

  • The frequency of the contribution. Required if the contribution type is "recurring". Available options: daily, weekly, fortnightly, four_weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, biannually, annually, adhoc and one_off

  • The start date of a recurring contribution. Required if the contribution type is "recurring".

  • The end date of a recurring contribution. Required if the contribution type is "recurring".

  • The date the adhoc contribution was paid. Required if the contribution type is "adhoc".

  • value integer

    The value of the contribution in pennies. For example, £40.00 would be 4000.

  • notes string

    Optional notes to add to the contribution.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • uuid string

      uuid of the contribution

    • datetime the contribution was created

    • datetime the contribution was updated

    • paid_at string

      datetime the money was paid

    • value object

      contribution value

      Additional properties are allowed.

PUT /api/v1/plans/{plan_uuid}/sub-accounts/{subAccount_uuid}/contributions/{uuid}
curl \
 -X PUT https://api.plannrcrm.com/api/v1/plans/plan_uuid/sub-accounts/subAccount_uuid/contributions/uuid \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "Accept: application/json" \
 -d '{"type":"recurring","contributor_type":"self","frequency":"monthly","started_at":"2024-12-21","ended_at":"2025-01-21","paid_at":"2025-01-21","value":4000,"notes":"Example Notes"}'
Request examples
# Headers
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

# Payload
  "type": "recurring",
  "contributor_type": "self",
  "frequency": "monthly",
  "started_at": "2024-12-21",
  "ended_at": "2025-01-21",
  "paid_at": "2025-01-21",
  "value": 4000,
  "notes": "Example Notes"
Response examples (200)
  "uuid": "d4f8c4fc-f016-41f9-8f31-a88ac312579f",
  "value": {
    "amount": {
      "example": "4000",
      "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
    "currency": {
      "example": "GBP",
      "description": "Currency of the money"
    "formatted": {
      "example": "£40.00",
      "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
  "paid_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:11+00:00",
  "created_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:11+00:00",
  "updated_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:11+00:00"