Path parameters


Body Required

  • Employee that will be earning the revenue for this charge

  • Who is expected to pay this charge. Possible values are: client, provider and unknown

  • type string

    Expectation type. Possible values are: fee and commission

  • category string

    Expectation category. Possible values are: adhoc, administration, adjustment, bond_renewal, clawback, dss_rebate, fund, indemnity, initial_fee, level, non_indemnity, one_off, ongoing_fee, other_fee, procuration_fee, protected_rights, renewal, switch and unknown

  • Whether or not this charge recurring on a frequent basis

  • Expected charge frequency from the given start date. Valid frequencies are: daily, weekly, fortnightly, four_weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, biannually, and annually

  • Date the recurring charge starts from.

  • Date the recurring statement transactions will stop. Leave blank for indefinitely or until charge schedule is deleted.

  • amount integer

    The fixed amount value as an integer in pennies. Required when not providing a percentage or when chargeable_type is client.

  • Percentage of plans value as a charge. Required when not providing a fixed amount. Cannot use percentage for a client chargeable_type.

  • Frequency that describes what the percentage is calculated from. Valid frequencies are: daily, weekly, fortnightly, four_weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, biannually, and annually

  • tax_exempt boolean

    Denotes whether the charge is exempt from tax.

  • tax number Required

    Percentage tax to be added on to net amount of charge. Will use fims default tax rate if not provided and charge is not tax exempt.

  • Whether or not to exclude this charge and its expectations from RMAR reporting.

  • Advice type for the charge. Possible values are: independent and restricted

  • Service type for the charge. Possible values are: initial, one_off and ongoing. Recurring charges must be "ongoing"

  • RMAR type for the charge. Can only be set for adjustments and unknown charge categories. All other categories are automatically calculated. Possible values are: adviser_charge, clawback, commission, other_fee and unknown. Recurring charges must be "ongoing"

  • advice_area array[string]

    RMAR advice area values. All advice types are required when updating amounts or advice area amounts for charges made directly on a client. All amounts are in pennies and must total the charge net amount.

PUT /api/v1/charge/{uuid}
curl \
 --request PUT \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer {OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN or PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "Accept: application/json" \
 --data '{"seller_uuid":"8ecd1272-6122-4e26-84fb-8319a73a6cb7","payment_origin":"provider","type":"fee","category":"commission","recurring":"1","frequency":"monthly","start_date":"2024-11-20","end_date":"2025-12-20","amount":10000,"percentage":0.75,"percentage_frequency":"annually","tax_exempt":true,"tax":0.0,"exclude_from_rmar":"string","advice_type":"independent","service_type":"ongoing","rmar_type":"adviser_charge","advice_area":[{"deposit":7500,"unknown":0,"non_rmar":0,"non_regulated":0,"retail_investment":0,"regulated_mortgage":2500,"other_fca_regulated":0,"non_investment_insurance":0}]}'
Request examples
# Headers
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

# Payload
  "seller_uuid": "8ecd1272-6122-4e26-84fb-8319a73a6cb7",
  "payment_origin": "provider",
  "type": "fee",
  "category": "commission",
  "recurring": "1",
  "frequency": "monthly",
  "start_date": "2024-11-20",
  "end_date": "2025-12-20",
  "amount": 10000,
  "percentage": 0.75,
  "percentage_frequency": "annually",
  "tax_exempt": true,
  "tax": 0.0,
  "exclude_from_rmar": "string",
  "advice_type": "independent",
  "service_type": "ongoing",
  "rmar_type": "adviser_charge",
  "advice_area": [
      "deposit": 7500,
      "unknown": 0,
      "non_rmar": 0,
      "non_regulated": 0,
      "retail_investment": 0,
      "regulated_mortgage": 2500,
      "other_fca_regulated": 0,
      "non_investment_insurance": 0