

Body Required

  • name string

    The name of the bulk action to perform. Options:tasks_complete, tasks_archive, tasks_delete, tasks_attach, tasks_detach, tasks_sync, tasks_priority, tasks_status, tasks_taskable and tasks_due_date. * "tasks_complete" allows for the mass completion of tasks. * "tasks_delete" allows for the mass deletion of tasks. * "tasks_sync" is intended for syncing the chosen tasks with the selected accounts (This will overwrite any members previously selected with the newly chosen members.). * "tasks_attach" is intended for attaching the chosen members to the selected tasks. * "tasks_detach" is intended for detaching the chosen members from the selected tasks. * "tasks_archive" is intended for archiving the chosen tasks.

  • Only used for task bulk actions, whether to perform the bulk action recursively over all sub-tasks.

  • items array[string] Required

    The items to perform the bulk action on. Send an array with a single * value instead of an array to select all items. Use filter to constrain all items.

  • filters array[string]

    The filters to apply to the bulk action. These can only be used on a catch-all bulk action.

  • data array[string]

    Optional data reserved for specific bulk action requirements.


  • 200 application/json

    Additional properties are allowed.

POST /api/v1/bulk-actions/execute
curl \
 --request POST https://api.plannrcrm.com/api/v1/bulk-actions/execute \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer {OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN or PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "Accept: application/json" \
 --data '{"name":"Complete","is_recursive":true,"items":["f1625b63-8f20-45ea-9296-fd6a7a964d90","393f487d-4cd8-4110-b75f-3d9717d307a7"],"filters":["related_items","taskable_uuid"],"data":["string"]}'
Request examples
# Headers
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

# Payload
  "name": "Complete",
  "is_recursive": true,
  "items": [
  "filters": [
  "data": [
Response examples (200)