Get all tasks on a firm.
Constrained by the user role. For example, owners and admins can see all tasks. Members can only see tasks within groups they can access and clients can only see tasks they have access to.
Content-Type string
Accept string
Query parameters
include string
Comma separated list of relationships to include in the response. Valid relationships are [author, completed_by, parent_task, related_tasks, custom_fields].
per_page integer
Number of results to return with pagination (Default 15. Max 500).
filter[name] string
Filter Task name.
filter[taskable_type] string
Taskable type. Can be 'plan' or 'case'.
filter[taskable_uuid] string
Taskable uuid.
filter[client_uuid] string
Client Taskable uuid.
filter[priority] string
Priority. Available options are highest, high, medium, and low.
filter[assigned_to_uuids] string
Filter tasks that have been assigned to the account UUIDs.
filter[circle_uuids] string
Filter tasks that have been assigned to the account UUIDs within the specified circles.
filter[status_uuid] string
Status uuid. The task's status uuid.
filter[due_before] string
date Filter tasks that have a due at date before.
filter[due_after] string
date Filter tasks that have a due at date after.
filter[has_due_date] boolean
Filter tasks that have a due at date or not.
filter[open_tasks] boolean
Only show open tasks. When true, this will filter tasks in the "Completed" or "Archived" columns.
filter[show_child_tasks] boolean
Show child tasks in the top-level list. Defaults to false.
filter[completed_status] boolean
Filter tasks which have a system status of type completed.
filter[archived_status] boolean
Filter tasks which have a system status of type archived.
filter[not_started_status] boolean
Filter tasks which have a system status of type not started.
sort string
Field to sort by. Valid fields are [created_at, updated_at, name, priority, due_at, completed_last]. Negative sign to denote DESC. Defaults to 'created_at'.
curl \
--request GET \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN or PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
"data": [
"name": "Document the transaction",
"uuid": "e8a4514c-d754-4e7e-926c-fb8fa2d29d5a",
"author": {
"name": {
"example": "Gareth Thompson",
"collection": false,
"description": "Name"
"role": {
"example": "client",
"collection": false,
"description": "Account role"
"type": {
"example": "client",
"collection": false,
"description": "Account type"
"uuid": {
"example": "0bd505fc-ec59-4536-84a7-33025dfecf92",
"collection": false,
"description": "The UUID of the resource."
"email": {
"example": "",
"collection": false,
"description": "Email"
"last_name": {
"example": "Thompson",
"collection": false,
"description": "Last name"
"photo_url": {
"example": "",
"collection": false,
"description": "The photo URL of the client"
"created_at": {
"example": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"collection": false,
"description": "The timestamp of when the resource was created."
"first_name": {
"example": "Gareth",
"collection": false,
"description": "First name"
"updated_at": {
"example": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"collection": false,
"description": "The timestamp of when the resource was updated."
"external_references": {
"example": "App\\Http\\Resources\\ExternalReferenceResource",
"collection": true,
"description": "The external references that have been added to the client."
"due_at": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
"status": {
"name": "Incomplete",
"uuid": "ff9d50ff-ccae-4460-aa12-41a9154e17b0",
"colour": "#398898",
"position": 1,
"created_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"is_archived": false,
"is_not_started": false,
"is_type_completed": false
"position": 1,
"priority": "high",
"taskable": {
"name": "finance",
"slug": "finance",
"type": "App\\Http\\Resources\\CasesTypeResource",
"uuid": "5ee5eabd-09e0-4b34-b9ad-f1f52f2f0755",
"plans": "App\\Http\\Resources\\Plans\\PlanResource",
"value": {
"amount": {
"example": "4000",
"description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
"currency": {
"example": "GBP",
"description": "Currency of the money"
"formatted": {
"example": "£40.00",
"description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
"status": "App\\Http\\Resources\\CasesStatusResource",
"created_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"completed_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"participants": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
"custom_fields": "App\\Http\\Resources\\CustomFieldValueResource",
"status_position": 4,
"task_board_uuid": "a6141263-cbe4-45b8-882b-613a43501d64",
"participants_count": 4
"created_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"assigned_to": {
"name": {
"example": "Gareth Thompson",
"collection": false,
"description": "Name"
"role": {
"example": "client",
"collection": false,
"description": "Account role"
"type": {
"example": "client",
"collection": false,
"description": "Account type"
"uuid": {
"example": "61c32abe-5544-4291-82ce-841745c24a8b",
"collection": false,
"description": "The UUID of the resource."
"email": {
"example": "",
"collection": false,
"description": "Email"
"last_name": {
"example": "Thompson",
"collection": false,
"description": "Last name"
"photo_url": {
"example": "",
"collection": false,
"description": "The photo URL of the client"
"created_at": {
"example": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"collection": false,
"description": "The timestamp of when the resource was created."
"first_name": {
"example": "Gareth",
"collection": false,
"description": "First name"
"updated_at": {
"example": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"collection": false,
"description": "The timestamp of when the resource was updated."
"external_references": {
"example": "App\\Http\\Resources\\ExternalReferenceResource",
"collection": true,
"description": "The external references that have been added to the client."
"completed_at": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
"completed_by": {
"name": {
"example": "Gareth Thompson",
"collection": false,
"description": "Name"
"role": {
"example": "client",
"collection": false,
"description": "Account role"
"type": {
"example": "client",
"collection": false,
"description": "Account type"
"uuid": {
"example": "289c74dc-8e06-41ed-9ef6-8ed3f4aa6ad2",
"collection": false,
"description": "The UUID of the resource."
"email": {
"example": "",
"collection": false,
"description": "Email"
"last_name": {
"example": "Thompson",
"collection": false,
"description": "Last name"
"photo_url": {
"example": "",
"collection": false,
"description": "The photo URL of the client"
"created_at": {
"example": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"collection": false,
"description": "The timestamp of when the resource was created."
"first_name": {
"example": "Gareth",
"collection": false,
"description": "First name"
"updated_at": {
"example": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"collection": false,
"description": "The timestamp of when the resource was updated."
"external_references": {
"example": "App\\Http\\Resources\\ExternalReferenceResource",
"collection": true,
"description": "The external references that have been added to the client."
"custom_fields": [
"name": "Favourite Drink",
"type": "string",
"uuid": "1d7b4df9-ac84-40ea-ae50-a6b6c04034b9",
"value": "Coffee",
"help_text": "This is the client's favourite drink.",
"reference": "favourite_drink",
"created_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"updated_at": "2025-02-20T10:13:03+00:00",
"is_required": false,
"selection_options": [
"taskable_type": "case"