Get all statement transactions

GET /api/v1/statement-transaction

Query parameters

  • include string

    Comma separated list of relationships to include in the response. Valid relationships are [statement, providerStatement].

  • Filter by a comma separated list of UUIDs.

  • Filter provider statement transactions by a statement UUID.

  • Filter provider statement transactions by an exact provider statement UUID.

  • Get provider statement transactions from a certain date.

  • Get provider statement transactions to a certain date.

  • Get provider statement transactions greater than or equal to a certain amount in pennies.

  • Get provider statement transactions less than or equal to a certain amount in pennies.

  • Filter by partial client name given on provider statement.

  • Filter by partial policy number given on provider statement.

  • Filter by partial transaction reference.

  • Filter by partial agency number.

  • Filter by partial product reference.

  • Filter provider statement transactions by exact provider UUID.

  • Filter provider statement transactions to client or provider paid. Valid options are [client, provider]

  • Comma separated string of categories to filter by.

  • Filter by partial adviser name given on provider statement.

  • Filter provider statement transactions by their reconciliation status. Valid statuses are reconciled,unreconciled,reconciled_with_expectations,reconciled_with_bank_transactions,unreconciled_with_expectations,unreconciled_with_bank_transactions,partially_reconciled_with_expectations,partially_reconciled_with_bank_transactions

  • sort string

    Field to sort by. Valid fields are [created_at, updated_at, date, policy_number, client_name, gross_amount]. Negative sign to denote DESC. Defaults to '-updated_at'.

  • per_page integer

    Number of results to return with pagination (Default 15. Max 500).


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • uuid string

      The UUID of the resource.

    • The timestamp of when the resource was created.

    • The timestamp of when the resource was updated.

    • Client name

    • Unique statement transactions reference assigned by the provider

    • Provider reference of the plan the statement transactions belongs to

    • date string

      Date of when the provider received the statement transactions

    • Gross amount

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • Net amount

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • category string

      Expected payment category for accurate reporting

    • Who is expected to pay this statement transactions

    • Agency number

    • Product reference

    • Adviser name

    • Sender id sib number

    • reason string


    • Scheme name

    • Scheme number

    • Customer number

    • Policy market value

    • provider string

      Provider this statement transaction belongs to if provided

    • Provider statement this statement transaction belongs to

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • metadata object

      Any metadata that was saved during a CSV import for statement transactions

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • The expectation that the statement transaction has been reconciled against

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • bank_transactions array[object]

      The bank payments used to reconcile this statement transaction

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • The statement period this statement transaction belongs to

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • account object

      Account that created this statement transaction

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • firm object

      Firm this statement transaction belongs to

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • The reconciliation amount to both expectations and bank transactions

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • The individual reconciliations against the statement transaction for bank transactions

      Additional properties are allowed.

GET /api/v1/statement-transaction
curl \
 -X GET \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "Accept: application/json" \
Response examples (200)
  "date": "2025-01-21",
  "firm": {
    "tax": 17.5,
    "logo": "",
    "name": "Codepotato",
    "slug": "codepotato",
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    "county": "Hampshire",
    "billing": {
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      "invoice_county": "Hampshire",
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      "invoice_postcode": "PO7 7YH",
      "invoice_address_1": "Suite E, 5 The Briars",
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      "invoice_town_city": "Waterlooville"
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    "address_2": "Waterberry Drive",
    "logo_icon": "",
    "month_end": 25,
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    "created_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
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    "regulatory_text": "Regulatory text",
    "addon_subscriptions": "App\\Http\\Resources\\Addons\\AddonSubscriptionResource",
    "statement_frequency": "monthly",
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    "keep_deleted_files_for": 30,
    "welcome_paragraph_html": "<h1>Welcome.</h1>",
    "email_welcome_paragraph_html": "Welcome to Plannr!"
  "uuid": "34974982-1cea-4022-8856-24ad6d4f2d39",
  "reason": "Reason",
  "account": {
    "firm": "App\\Http\\Resources\\FirmResource",
    "name": "Gareth Thompson",
    "role": "client",
    "tags": "App\\Http\\Resources\\TagResource",
    "type": "client",
    "uuid": "9d46ef92-0ed1-4814-b80b-03b186ad269c",
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    "groups": "App\\Http\\Resources\\GroupResource",
    "owners": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "last_name": "Thompson",
    "created_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
    "first_name": "Gareth",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
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    "assigned_adviser": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "next_review_date": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
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    "first_contact_date": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
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    "assigned_administrator": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "anniversary_review_date": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00"
  "category": "initial_fee",
  "metadata": {
    "client_name": "Gareth Thompson"
  "provider": "Aviva",
  "statement": {
    "name": "01/06/2022 - 30/06/2022",
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    "locked_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
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    "created_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
    "start_date": "2022-06-30",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
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      "formatted": "£1,245.85"
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      "formatted": "£1,255.99"
    "statement_transactions_count": 6,
    "total_statement_transactions": {
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      "formatted": "£1,255.99"
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    "total_expectation_percentage_reconciled_to_bank": {
      "amount": "8570",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "formatted": "£85.70"
  "created_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
  "net_amount": {
    "amount": {
      "example": "4000",
      "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
    "currency": {
      "example": "GBP",
      "description": "Currency of the money"
    "formatted": {
      "example": "£40.00",
      "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
  "updated_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
  "client_name": "Gareth Thompson",
  "expectation": {
    "tax": 20,
    "firm": "App\\Http\\Resources\\FirmResource",
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    "amount": {
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        "example": "GBP",
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      "formatted": {
        "example": "£40.00",
        "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
    "author": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
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    "account": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "category": "ongoing_fee",
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    "created_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
    "net_amount": {
      "amount": {
        "example": "4000",
        "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
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        "example": "GBP",
        "description": "Currency of the money"
      "formatted": {
        "example": "£40.00",
        "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
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    "gross_amount": {
      "amount": {
        "example": "4000",
        "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
      "currency": {
        "example": "GBP",
        "description": "Currency of the money"
      "formatted": {
        "example": "£40.00",
        "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
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    "income_splits": "App\\Http\\Resources\\IncomeSplitResource",
    "payment_origin": "provider",
    "advice_area_net": {
      "deposit": 7500,
      "unknown": 0,
      "non_rmar": 0,
      "non_regulated": 0,
      "retail_investment": 0,
      "regulated_mortgage": 2500,
      "other_fca_regulated": 0,
      "non_investment_insurance": 0
    "charge_schedule": "App\\Http\\Resources\\ChargeResource",
    "chargeable_type": "plan",
    "expected_amount": {
      "amount": {
        "example": "4000",
        "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
      "currency": {
        "example": "GBP",
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      "formatted": {
        "example": "£40.00",
        "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
    "advice_area_gross": {
      "deposit": 7500,
      "unknown": 0,
      "non_rmar": 0,
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    "expected_payment_date": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
    "statement_transactions": "App\\Http\\Resources\\StatementTransactionResource",
    "unbalanced_expected_amount": {
      "amount": {
        "example": "4000",
        "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
      "currency": {
        "example": "GBP",
        "description": "Currency of the money"
      "formatted": {
        "example": "£40.00",
        "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
  "scheme_name": "Scheme name",
  "adviser_name": "Adviser name",
  "gross_amount": {
    "amount": {
      "example": "4000",
      "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
    "currency": {
      "example": "GBP",
      "description": "Currency of the money"
    "formatted": {
      "example": "£40.00",
      "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
  "agency_number": "Agency number",
  "policy_number": "AVIVA_00001",
  "scheme_number": "Scheme number",
  "payment_origin": "provider",
  "reconciliation": {
    "is_reconciled_with_expectation": false,
    "expectation_reconciliation_amount": {
      "amount": {
        "example": "4000",
        "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
      "currency": {
        "example": "GBP",
        "description": "Currency of the money"
      "formatted": {
        "example": "£40.00",
        "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
    "expectation_reconciliation_percentage": 50,
    "is_fully_reconciled_with_expectations": false,
    "bank_transaction_reconciliation_amount": {
      "amount": {
        "example": "4000",
        "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
      "currency": {
        "example": "GBP",
        "description": "Currency of the money"
      "formatted": {
        "example": "£40.00",
        "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
    "bank_transaction_reconciliation_percentage": 100,
    "is_fully_reconciled_with_bank_transactions": true
  "customer_number": "Customer number",
  "bank_transactions": [
      "date": "2022-07-15",
      "firm": "App\\Http\\Resources\\FirmResource",
      "uuid": "a5c65e64-8eb6-451f-b4db-32b71d9b3e69",
      "amount": {
        "amount": "12399",
        "currency": "GBP",
        "formatted": "£123.99"
      "account": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
      "filename": "Natwest June 2022 Statement.xlsx",
      "metadata": {
        "client_name": "Gareth Thompson"
      "reference": "VitalityLtd",
      "statement": "App\\Http\\Resources\\StatementResource",
      "created_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
      "bank_statement": "App\\Http\\Resources\\BankStatementResource"
  "product_reference": "Product reference",
  "provider_statement": {
    "date": "2025-01-21",
    "name": "Aviva",
    "uuid": "87f6ea0d-7c0d-4877-a88f-967a651dc02e",
    "number": 23,
    "origin": "upload",
    "filename": "aviva-statement-may.csv",
    "provider": "App\\Http\\Resources\\Plans\\ProviderResource",
    "reference": "SW#8434",
    "statement": "App\\Http\\Resources\\StatementResource",
    "created_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
    "total_amount": {
      "amount": "345895",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "formatted": "£3,458.95"
    "statement_transactions": "App\\Http\\Resources\\StatementTransactionResource",
    "statement_transactions_count": 6,
    "reconciled_expectations_amount": {
      "amount": "12849",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "formatted": "£128.49"
    "reconciled_expectations_percentage": 95.68,
    "is_fully_reconciled_to_expectations": true,
    "reconciled_bank_transactions_amount": {
      "amount": "22985",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "formatted": "£229.85"
    "reconciled_bank_transactions_percentage": 95.68
  "policy_market_value": "Policy market value",
  "sender_id_sib_number": "Sender id sib number",
  "transaction_reference": "qpUsjEW8Xd",
  "bank_transaction_reconciliations": {
    "uuid": "da21064a-cdb4-4fbd-a584-167d688ad643",
    "amount": {
      "amount": {
        "example": "4000",
        "description": "Money amount at their lowest denominator (for example: pennies)"
      "currency": {
        "example": "GBP",
        "description": "Currency of the money"
      "formatted": {
        "example": "£40.00",
        "description": "Money amount formatted with currency"
    "account": "App\\Http\\Resources\\AccountResource",
    "created_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2025-01-21T09:11:12+00:00",
    "bank_transaction": "App\\Http\\Resources\\BankTransactionResource",
    "statement_transaction": "App\\Http\\Resources\\StatementTransactionResource"