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Jan 4, 2024


API structure has changed

40 structure changes including:
19 Breaking changes
9 Additions
12 Modifications
19 Removals
Modified 12 Breaking
POST /api/v1/document
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • html, clients, submit_for_review, dependants properties Removed
      • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


    • client_uuids, known_dependants properties Added
  • Response
  • 201 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • html, dependants, past_dependants, processed_html, clients, file, latest_preview_pdf properties Removed
        • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


      • version, required_dependants, known_dependants, public_docx_url, public_sfdt_url, public_pdf_url properties Added
  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
GET /api/v1/document/{uuid}
  • Path
  • uuid path parameter Modified
    • Full types went from integer to string


  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • html, dependants, past_dependants, processed_html, clients, file, latest_preview_pdf properties Removed
        • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


      • version, required_dependants, known_dependants, public_docx_url, public_sfdt_url, public_pdf_url properties Added
  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
GET /api/v1/document/variables
  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
GET /api/v1/document-template/{documentTemplate_uuid}
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • html, dependants, latest_preview_pdf properties Removed
        • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


      • version, required_dependants, public_docx_url, public_sfdt_url, public_pdf_url properties Added
  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
GET /api/v1/document-template
  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
GET /api/v1/document
  • Query
  • filter[date_from], filter[date_to] query parameters Removed
    • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


  • filter[created_before], filter[created_after], filter[client_uuids] query parameters Added
  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
DELETE /api/v1/document/{uuid}
  • Path
  • uuid path parameter Modified
    • Full types went from integer to string


  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
DELETE /api/v1/document-template/{documentTemplate_uuid}
  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
POST /api/v1/document-signing
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • participants, document_pack, document_templates, dependants properties Removed
      • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


    • participant_uuids, document_template_uuids, document_template_dependants properties Added
POST /api/v1/document-template
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • html property Removed
      • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


  • Response
  • 201 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • html, dependants, latest_preview_pdf properties Removed
        • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


      • version, required_dependants, public_docx_url, public_sfdt_url, public_pdf_url properties Added
  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
PUT /api/v1/document-template/{documentTemplate_uuid}
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • html property Removed
      • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • html, dependants, latest_preview_pdf properties Removed
        • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


      • version, required_dependants, public_docx_url, public_sfdt_url, public_pdf_url properties Added
  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
PUT /api/v1/document/{uuid}
  • Path
  • uuid path parameter Modified
    • Full types went from integer to string


  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • Content type is no longer required

    • name property Modified
      • Property is no longer required

      • name property Modified
        • Property is no longer required

    • html, processed_html properties Removed
      • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


    • client_uuids, known_dependants properties Added
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • html, dependants, past_dependants, processed_html, clients, file, latest_preview_pdf properties Removed
        • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


      • version, required_dependants, known_dependants, public_docx_url, public_sfdt_url, public_pdf_url properties Added
  • Header
  • X-PLANNR-ACCOUNT-UUID header Added
Removed 19 Breaking
POST /api/v1/document-template/{documentTemplate_uuid}/preview
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/v1/document-template/{documentTemplate_uuid}/dependants
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/v1/document-pack
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/v1/snippet/{uuid}
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/v1/snippet
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/v1/document-template/{documentTemplate_uuid}/preview-pdf
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/v1/document/{document_uuid}/build
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/v1/document/{document_uuid}/dependants
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/v1/document/{document_uuid}/preview
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/v1/document/{document_uuid}/preview-pdf
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/v1/document/{document_uuid}/review
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/v1/snippet
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/v1/document-pack/{id}
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/v1/snippet/{uuid}
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/v1/document-pack/{id}
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/v1/document-pack/{documentPack_uuid}/dependants
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/v1/document-pack
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/v1/snippet/{uuid}
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/v1/document-pack/{id}
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
Added 9
POST /api/v1/document/{document_uuid}/publish
POST /api/v1/document/{document_uuid}/content/docx
POST /api/v1/document-template/{documentTemplate_uuid}/content/docx
GET /api/v1/document/{document_uuid}/content/sfdt
GET /api/v1/document/{document_uuid}/content/pdf
GET /api/v1/document/{document_uuid}/content/docx
GET /api/v1/document-template/{documentTemplate_uuid}/content/sfdt
GET /api/v1/document-template/{documentTemplate_uuid}/content/pdf
GET /api/v1/document-template/{documentTemplate_uuid}/content/docx